Galliformes RedList Programs

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species serves as the world's most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, plant, and fungi species. For Galliformes, which include gamebirds such as pheasants, partridges, quails, grouse, and turkeys, the Red List provides current assessments of all 307 species, evaluating their population trends, threats, and conservation needs. Species accounts are regularly updated and present status information is readily available through the IUCN Red List website, allowing researchers and conservation practitioners to access the most recent data on these important birds.
BirdLife International, as the official Red List Authority for birds, facilitates annual Red List Change Forums to ensure the continued accuracy and relevance of species assessments. These forums serve as a crucial platform where experts can propose and discuss potential changes to species' threat categories based on new evidence or changing circumstances. The process includes formal Red List Change Forums where proposed changes are discussed in detail, submission of Proposals for Reassessment when new information suggests a change in status is warranted, focused attention on Data Deficient Species to improve our understanding of poorly known taxa, and careful consideration of Taxonomic Changes that may affect species-level assessments. This systematic approach ensures that the Red List remains a dynamic and reliable tool for global bird conservation, with regular opportunities for the scientific community to contribute to and refine our understanding of species' conservation status.
Galliformes Red List
Visit WebsiteThe IUCN Species Survival Commission Red List currently includes assessments of all 356 extant species of Galliformes (gamebirds) and Tinamidae (tinamous), representing some of Earth's most threatened birds. Among these species, there is significant variation in conservation status and population trends. Many species face increasing pressure from habitat loss, hunting, and climate change. Within the Galliformes, several groups are of particular conservation concern including the rapidly declining Gallopheasants of South and Southeast Asia, where many species are classified as Endangered or Critically Endangered due to deforestation and intensive hunting pressure. The Cracids of Central and South America face similar challenges, with several species restricted to small fragments of remaining habitat. While many widespread gamebird species remain common, localized endemics and island species are particularly vulnerable. The Tinamidae, while less well studied, include several threatened species particularly in the Atlantic Forest region of South America. Overall, approximately 30% of all Galliformes and Tinamidae are considered threatened (Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered) under IUCN criteria, making these groups among the most imperiled orders of birds globally. Regular reassessment of these species' status is crucial for tracking population trends and guiding conservation efforts.
Globally Threatened Bird Forums
Visit WebsiteRed List Forums usually open in September-October each year to all submission of comments on proposed changes to Red List Status. This page also includes opportunities for individuals in the Galliformes community to propose changes for particular species in addition to ones proposed by the Red List Authority staff. There is another link to Data Deficient species. Presently only one species of Galliformes is listed as DD. Finally, there is a link to taxonomy and taxonomic issues. Presently there are several genera of Galliformes that have proposed taxonomic revisions. These have conservation implications since some threatened subspecies of LC species might be elevated to species and therefore should be something we watch closely.