Grouse Group

The Grouse Group is an essential ad hoc working group within the IUCN-SSC Galliformes Specialist Group, dedicated to advancing the research and conservation of the world's grouse species. Representing experts from North America, Europe, and Asia, the Grouse Group leverages its regional knowledge and collective expertise to guide science-based efforts to protect these iconic gamebirds. The group plays a vital role in assessing the status of grouse populations, identifying emerging threats, and developing targeted conservation strategies across the diverse habitats where these species occur. Through collaborative research, habitat management initiatives, and engagement with local stakeholders, the Grouse Group works to address the unique challenges facing grouse, such as habitat fragmentation, climate change impacts, and interactions with human land use. As an integral part of the broader Galliformes Specialist Group, the Grouse Group ensures that the specific needs and perspectives of grouse species are represented in the IUCN's global conservation planning and implementation. By fostering knowledge exchange, building regional capacity, and advocating for effective policies, the group is instrumental in securing a future for grouse around the world.